Friday, November 20, 2009

Are Higher ranked officers (ie, a Captain of a Major) still part of a low form (ie Squad)?

a squad is described as a unit with two teams, usually 4-5 soldiers each, and is typically led by a Sergeant or a Staff Sergeant. That's all cool.

now, a Company is described as a unit with three or four platoons, which equals around 7-9 squads. It is led by a Captain.

Question: Where the heck is the captain placed? Is he a seperate person in the company, (the company would be the 70-120soldiers + Captain) so when they list say Tad Company, they say, this is Tad Co, led by Cpt. Noname

Or is it that he is put into a squad, as one of the 4-5 soldiers? (The 75-120 soldeirs of a company would includehim) So when they say Tad Company, it wud be all like This is Tad Co, led by Cpt. Noname of Platoon B, Squad Kit. or seomthing

Which one?

The question that arises if its the second one is, if he is put into the squad, then is the sergeant suppose to command the squad or does the captain simply replace the sergeant, as if the sgt was a regular pvt.?


Are Higher ranked officers (ie, a Captain of a Major) still part of a low form (ie Squad)?microsoft downloads

No, he is a seperate part of the company, considered to be the HQ (Headquarters) section which includes the Commander, Executive Officer, and First Sergeant. A better example is on the battalion level. A battalion is commanded by a LTC with a couple MAJs and CPTs working for him, they are called the Staff section. Now all these people are considered part of a Headquarters company which is commanded by a CPT. Now does this mean the CPT outranks the LTC and MAJs? Of course not, because while the Staff section is a part of the company, it is it's own entity in the unit. This is why Headquarters companies are referred to as HHC (Headquarters and Headquarters Company).

Are Higher ranked officers (ie, a Captain of a Major) still part of a low form (ie Squad)?microsoft word 2003 internet explorer

The smallest unit you'll find an Officer a member of is a Platoon. Platoon leaders are Lieutenants.

Captains lead Companies (majors lead Aviation Companies and Medical Companies due to the high number of officers in those units).

Majors are Staff Officers.

Lieutenant Colonels lead Battalions and Colonels lead Brigades.
well if its the Marine Corps

there are 4 people in a firing squad, and 1 being the Firing Squad Leader, usually a Corporal, yes Marines have more responsibility.

then theres about 3 firing squads in a platoon, and one Sergeant

A 2nd or 1st lieutenant would lead 3 or 4 platoons

and a captain, as the person above me said leads larger companies.
No a squad is either led by a high speed corpral, a sargeant, or a staff sargeant. Captains usually led companies.

for your last part, I have never seen it but if a captain chooses to be part of a squad, he would be in charged and the sargeant would be second it comand.
John Noname



He is just the commander and not part of a squad. For Admin he is in Headquarters Platoon.

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