Saturday, April 24, 2010

Characters having accentuation do not show correctly on e-mail messages I post using Firefox

Problem started when I changed from IE to Firefox.

Characters having accentuation do not show correctly on e-mail messages I post using Firefox IE ok?microsoft updates

If it is safe, you can still use IE for your e-mail.

The reason why you use FireFox is because it is safe. But it should be safe to open e-mail from people that you know, through Internet Explorer. But keep using FireFox for safety sake.

Characters having accentuation do not show correctly on e-mail messages I post using Firefox IE ok?windows server 2003 internet explorer

You can get an add-on from the Mozilla website that will allow you to open and use IE inside a Firefox tab. It works great, check it out.

God TO B or not TO B? That is the Question and answer to Rev. about Gods new name! Ie TOB=TODD the O

Son of the times new roman font LORD'S GODDESS.

And if elected God

I shall decree that

B.C. means Before Crucifiction

A.D. means After Death

And thus will make God who sums to h appear not in

millenium one


millenium two


in millenium three (as the h=God when summed using the european alphabet as the weighted average system of adding letters)

So then

1968 A.D would be the beginning of the third millenium from Birth of Jesus (aprrox. 33 B.C)

In this Way

God Himself would honour Jesus for all time along with HIMSELF.

So the very words can prove the existance of LORD GOD in the third mellenium as the h.

So the bible dictates that i should glorify myself so here goes

ever see the prounciation of my name on the french stop sign as the cross-section shows I ARRET I Ie pronounced LARRY T. Or the english STOP contains TOD pronounced TODD?

or even GOD has TOD pronounced TODD.

DIO looks like My left apperring IIII I .

God the Father pronounced FAT HERR(Me)

God TO B or not TO B? That is the Question and answer to Rev. about Gods new name! Ie TOB=TODD the publisher

Drivel. Words alone can never prove anything; they must be coupled to evidence.

I have no idea why, but I keep getting internet explorer popups. But I'm using firefox and ie i

I use firefox and make sure that ie is killed (in the task manager), but advertising popups (like for brandarama, or sometimes ebay searches or something) just jump up randomly. No idea how it opens itself. I ran Norton, Ad-aware, and Spybot, and they all separately found minor things, and I deleted everything, but I'm still getting stuff. I had 0 problems prior to yesterday, it all just started. Thanks in advance!

I have no idea why, but I keep getting internet explorer popups. But I'm using firefox and ie isn't open!microsoft project

it might be entered in the registry. Make sure you are using a firewall software. Using a separate firewall other than the windows built in is better. Also Windows Defender is a good software if you can download it from Microsoft's website.

The best protection from such things happening is to use a limited user account to use internet . Do not use an administrative account, the viruses can install themselves, and make system wide changes if affected in an admininstrative account.

I have no idea why, but I keep getting internet explorer popups. But I'm using firefox and ie isn't open!microsoft powerpoint internet explorer

You are correct to run scans with Spybot and Ad-aware to prevent pop-ups because your machine is infected. But there is a trick so it will actually pick up ALL of the spyware and not just some. You need to run those scans in Safe Mode (tap F8 as the computer boots up and choose to boot to safe mode).

Ideally you should run a virus removal program in Safe Mode (without networking) and reboot and repeat the scan and reboot until there is a cycle where no virus is detected.

The idea behind the Safe Mode is that the operating system would only load your essential programs and drivers to the memory and hence there is a “high” chance that the virus-infected file is on the drive but not loaded into memory. This would enable the AV to clean it easily and the next reboot/scan would detect nothing. There could still be a small possibility that one of the drivers or programs that are loaded by the OS in the Safe Mode is infected. That’s why you need to keep rebooting and rescanning to make sure you’ve found them all.

It's good your using FireFox, it's a far better and safer alternative to Internet Explorer. If you add-on McAfee SiteAdvisor, it will warn you of potentially harmful sites. I also recommend CCleaner which is a free system optimization and privacy tool.
Make sure you have a firefall

Why do people say ask someone out the worst they can say is no when its not true, ie you loose your

Why do people say ask someone out the worst they can say is no when its not true, ie you loose your mate...

Usually if a guy shows interest in a girl or likes her and she finds out. If shes not into him she wont be his freidn any more even if was best mate. And often will take their joint friends with her, turning them againast tyou, resulting in you getting ostracised out of a club and/or treated like some kind of perve when you just liked them, and cared for them. Plus would have been cool being mates if not fancied back.

Also why are things like that and how to cope not covered in sex ed?

Why do people say ask someone out the worst they can say is no when its not true, ie you loose your mate...?windows mobile 6

I think this is really sad. If you get fond of a girl and let her know then she turns against you she is really immature and not worth bothering with. There are reasonable people out there, please find them. A relationship with a counsellor may help you to keep you head while all this is going on.

Why do people say ask someone out the worst they can say is no when its not true, ie you loose your mate...?microsoft office 2003 internet explorer

I think if a girl acts like that then she really wasnt your friend..and if you werent friends in the first place then move on...there is really nothing u can do..u cant make her like you..if they are are going to act like that then they are immature and they will see it later that they liked u to but it will be too late bc u will be with someone already.. :) the reason why its not covered it sex ed is bc they want u to figure it out on your of lifes complications..
Us humans are so frustrating %26amp; confused.
i dont think i dare try and get with a bloke whos a friend if he didnt show an interest i rather be friends than nothin at all but a lot of women are like that unfortunately
it sounds like all you did was show your feeling for this girl , if she can't handle it then that her loss, don't be put off by one persons insecurity move on but be true to your self
Shes either very immature or shes scared, some people don't know how to react and feel that they cant be the same way with that person any more in case they think that they feel the same. Maybe she just needs some time away until she realises how much she misses having you around (even if it is just as a friend), just give her some time and space, if nothing does happen then she wasn't the person you thought she was, was she? so she isn't the girl you really like, so work on finding someone special :-)
That is just the way that life is, sadly.

I have tried to download and install the mmorpg Last Chaos, but every time i hit download my IE cras

Every single time i download any kind of file my IE crashes and restarts, and i cant figure out why. I am running off a brand new HP laptop that came with Windows Vista. Can anyone tell me why it crashes?

I have tried to download and install the mmorpg Last Chaos, but every time i hit download my IE crashes??microsoft money

I dl my lastchaos from here: everything run smoothly, btw I suggest you use some download manager, they are more stable and faster than IE downloader. Rightnow I'm using FlashGet, you can dl it from the link as well.

Hope it helps =)

I am not able to resize the viewing pane in Yahoo Beta Mail. I can do it in IE but not with Firefox.

The preview pane is very small and the inbox is very big . I cannot change the size of them by moving the line between them. Is there something to reset? This problem is only with Firefox not IE.

I am not able to resize the viewing pane in Yahoo Beta Mail. I can do it in IE but not with Firefox. Help!?windows updates

I deleted the cookies and it worked. When I first went to Tools / Options / Show Cookies and looked under Yahoo, I didn't at first see the right ones.

But when I SEARCHED for yahoo it found some cookies. I got rid of those, went back to the page and the panes have been reset. Whew!

I am not able to resize the viewing pane in Yahoo Beta Mail. I can do it in IE but not with Firefox. Help!?replacement windows internet explorer

I am having the same problem! If anyone knows please post it...

Im having a real tuff time adding start up tabs to my page for easy access upon login. IE is new to

ie is not my default browser, but i would like to make it default, except im used to having certain pages start up when i log in...however my current browser is not up to date.

Im having a real tuff time adding start up tabs to my page for easy access upon login. IE is new to me.?windows messenger

Default Browser = Tools %26gt; Internet options %26gt; Programs %26gt; Default Web Browser %26gt; Tell me if Internet Explorer is not the default web browser. (Put a checkmark there) Start up tabs are like a Homepage. = To set the current webpage as the home page

To make the webpage you're currently on your home page, follow these steps.

If you have not already done so, open Internet Explorer and go to the page you want to use as the home page.

Click the arrow to the right of the Home button , and then click Add or Change home page.

In the Add or Change Home Page dialog box, do one of the following:

To make the current webpage your only home page, click Use this webpage as your only home page.

To start a home page tab set or to add the current webpage to your set of home page tabs, click Add this webpage to your home page tabs.

To replace your existing home page or home page tab set with the webpages you currently have open, click Use the current tab set as your home page. This option will only be available if you have more than one tab open in Internet Explorer.

Click Yes to save your changes.

Using my dsl modem and Netgear router, I can connect to the internet thru AOL but not thru IE?

I can connect to the internet using aol, but if I try to connect directly using IE it will not go through. Is there some setting or do I need to reset the router? This is happening almost everyday. Thanks for the help, John

Using my dsl modem and Netgear router, I can connect to the internet thru AOL but not thru IE?windows movie maker

This isn't a problem with the router. Obviously you have an internet connection.

I'm assuming you use the aol browser. When you open it, do you have to sign in? If so, the problem is that you aren't yet signed in when you open IE.

Sign-in should be done on the modem or on the router so that you can use any browser.

If you don't have to sign in to the aol browser, but IE doesn't work, check and see if you're working offline in IE. In IE, look at File and see if Working Offline is checked. If so, uncheck it.

Using my dsl modem and Netgear router, I can connect to the internet thru AOL but not thru IE?microsoft project internet explorer

I do not know a lot about AOL. (Cause I hate them.) But, i assume you've paid for there cable internet thing. It may just be them blocking you from using your IE and making you use there web browser (So they can track you easier).

They do it with AIM! (AOL instant messenger)

Is there an application which lets you choose specific URL's that will open automatically when

I mean not only the homepage ... something like 4-5 sites that will load automatically when I start IE.



Is there an application which lets you choose specific URL's that will open automatically when you open IE?internet browser

I think one page you can make your home page , go to the site which you want to open when you connect to net than open internet option folder 7 click use current %26amp; apply. So many sites at once I have not searched for options.

Is there a way to hide a flash based element but still allow its sound to play in IE?

I have an autoplaying flash element, and I've tried visibility:hidden and this works fine in every browser except IE (it hides the visual, but autoplays the sound).

Are there any other CSS rules I can use to hide the visual part of the element, but not the audio?

Is there a way to hide a flash based element but still allow its sound to play in IE?windows media player 11

one thing you can do that I have seem work pretty good is to make the page into a frame....

you can make it 2 frames that are one on top of the other.

the first one will be 1 pixel in height and run along the top of the page and the other frame will be the rest of the page.

Since the first one is only 1 pixel thick it wont be seen along the top and in this frame you can put your swf file with the sound and just put the rest of the site in the bottom frame.

This also works great cause you can have your visitors click thru on the bottom frame and the top one will stay static so there is no disruption in the sound file.

I have one email that can not be deleted or emptied within the yahoo web page. I use IE 7?

A spam email 'you have won 9999999.00' can not be deleted also the empty button doesn't work in trash or spam folder when that email is selected. Win XP, IE 7. Issue does not exist using other yahoo mail accounts.

I have one email that can not be deleted or emptied within the yahoo web page. I use IE 7?windows installer

I assume this email is in your Bulk Folder. Open your Bulk Folder list of emails. At the top of the list is a button that says Sender. Click on that button, it will check and highlight that entire list of bulk mail showing. Then click Delete or Spam.

To STOP receiving unwanted (Spam/Bulk/Junk) email, do the following:

Log into your Email, go to Options (upper right hand side). Go through all your settings and don't forget to save them too.

Under Spam Protection, make sure your Spam Guard is turned ON. Option to immediately delete all Spam messages. This will force all new email to redirect to your Inbox. Option to Block messages that you mark as Spam. If you plan on keeping your

Bulk folder, also option messages you mark as Not-Spam to be moved to your Inbox. Always Option to Block all Images until you can look them over first. This prevents spammers from knowing you opened their email. Save Changes.

Under Blocked Addresses, type in, this will stop all Spam that has been reported to Yahoo from ever entering your email. I recommend you remove everything on your list first. This will give you a fresh start after you type in the "".

Under General Preferences, Folders/Search Results, Special Folders, option to redirect incoming unsolicited email to the Bulk Folder. Save.

If you get email from someone you don't know, NEVER open it (it may contain viruses) and report it as SPAM. This will automatically block it from your email account. When you do open an email that is Spam, you have alerted the sender that your account is Active.

This will immediately stop all the Junk Mail considerably. I only get maybe one or two Spam emails a Month. Remember, anytime you give out your email address over the internet, you can expect to receive some kind of Spam, unless you have made sure that site is secured.

Good Luck!

I have one email that can not be deleted or emptied within the yahoo web page. I use IE 7?microsoft vista internet explorerThank you for the vote. It is an honor. Report It

How can I fix my webpage in Dreamweaver to work correctly in Mozilla Firefox without changing the cu

In IE the images appear fine and lined up while in Mozilla they are off a bit. How do I get the images to line up correctly in both?

How can I fix my webpage in Dreamweaver to work correctly in Mozilla Firefox without changing the current IE?opera browser

Well, You know where you can preview in browser.

You got to preview it in Mozilla FireFox.

Then it will be meant for Mozilla FireFox.

You can only choose one Internet to for it to be created it like if you want to choose Mozilla FireFox.

I use Firefox.When I "clear private data" does it still store my history in hidden files-l

I know that internet explorer stores browser history in hidden files, like index.dat files. Even when one clears history in IE, the history remains in these hidden files. Does Firefox do the same thing? If so, how can I clear ALL the history from computer? Thanks.

I use Firefox.When I "clear private data" does it still store my history in hidden files-like IE?If so, where?microsoft excel

Firefox should remove them all

Firefox stores Temporary Internet Files (i'd think the same for history) in weird data files, in these locations

C:\Documents and Settings\***\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\*.default

C:\Documents and Settings\***\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\*.default\...

these locations are folders

Firefox does make it harder to search / access these internet files

I just downloaded Mozilla Firefox, and got all the necessary plug-ins. Is this a bad decision, rathe

IE aka. Internet Explorer 6 and 7.

And I mean, is Firefox faster or slower?

I just downloaded Mozilla Firefox, and got all the necessary plug-ins. Is this a bad decision, rather IE?

Way to go!

Firefox is safer, faster, and more secure than any internet browser in the world.

I just downloaded Mozilla Firefox, and got all the necessary plug-ins. Is this a bad decision, rather IE?internet browser internet explorerBut you can't see a lot of Layouts on myspace and such and may not be able to hear music. Report It

Firefox actually seems to load pages a little slower (not much, maybe a second slower). Firefox is generally considered to be a "safer" choice, since most malware is written to take advantage of IE6/7.

Personally, I use IE7. I prefer its interface, and the way it renders pages. It is all a matter of personal preference, choose whichever you prefer.
When i use IE i find myself to be stuck with alot of problems. My firefox is by far better than my IE, and yes its faster.
i think mozilla is a bit slower than IE.. and i personally like the look of IE better :)
Well, I have a friend who has Mozilla FireFox,and he thinks it's awesome and much better than Internet Explorer.If you have DSL it will be much faster.Trust me, I 've used it. If not,just find out yourself!

Using my dsl modem and Netgear router, I can connect to the internet thru AOL but not thru IE?

I can connect to the internet using aol, but if I try to connect directly using IE it will not go through. Is there some setting or do I need to reset the router? This is happening almost everyday. Thanks for the help, John

Using my dsl modem and Netgear router, I can connect to the internet thru AOL but not thru IE?windows movie maker

This isn't a problem with the router. Obviously you have an internet connection.

I'm assuming you use the aol browser. When you open it, do you have to sign in? If so, the problem is that you aren't yet signed in when you open IE.

Sign-in should be done on the modem or on the router so that you can use any browser.

If you don't have to sign in to the aol browser, but IE doesn't work, check and see if you're working offline in IE. In IE, look at File and see if Working Offline is checked. If so, uncheck it.

Using my dsl modem and Netgear router, I can connect to the internet thru AOL but not thru IE?microsoft project internet explorer

I do not know a lot about AOL. (Cause I hate them.) But, i assume you've paid for there cable internet thing. It may just be them blocking you from using your IE and making you use there web browser (So they can track you easier).

They do it with AIM! (AOL instant messenger)

Why do I fail to get into canadian government website from my home computer ? in both mozilla and IE

I keep getting 'page not found' but when I went to another computer in the local Library computer I get access to that website. This happens only when I got that Canadian government website..Is there something wrong in both firefox and IE settings in my home computer? Is there anything I can do to solve that help. plse help

Why do I fail to get into canadian government website from my home computer ? in both mozilla and IE ? help?microsoft access

Either you wrote the address down wrong

That it is not available from outside of the library (IP locked)

It was not an internet site but a CD or local library resource that opened in a browser

That disruption occurred when you tried it last (try it again)

Why do I fail to get into canadian government website from my home computer ? in both mozilla and IE ? help?windows mobile 6 internet explorer

that would have to do with ur ISP. tolk to em

What add-ons do u recommend after installing firefox 2, I am new to firefox, I want to use that inst

I want to browse the internet using firefox instead of IE, What add-ons should I choose if any, How do I get started browsing the internet through firefox? sorry but I am new to firefox any info would be appreciated, Had too many problems with IE...Thanks so much.

What add-ons do u recommend after installing firefox 2, I am new to firefox, I want to use that instead of IE?windows live messenger

Add on FasterFox and get you a cool theme.

I have the Halloween theme to gaze at.

I much prefer FireFox to the Microsoft junk and have been using FireFox for close to five years, now. They're better at blocking pop-ups, too.

What add-ons do u recommend after installing firefox 2, I am new to firefox, I want to use that instead of IE?microsoft money internet explorer

There are a few add ons I'd recommend:

Adblock Plus (blocks ads for you):

Download Statusbar (shows your download progress a lot easier):

Google Toolbar (highly recommended):

IE Tab (lets you view sites in a tab using IE for the sites which don't work in Firefox due to restrictions):

It also depends on your interests and stuff. Look through the Firefox popular add-ons to find more which interest you:

Add-ons are one of the great things about Firefox, i'd strongly recommend using some (they can be quite helpful!)

Hope that helps!
Open Firefox. Go to Tools, Add-ons, click on Themes [to change the way the browser looks] by downloading the one you want, or Extensions [programs to make the browser function better]. Just open the Mozilla Firefox icon created on the Windows desktop after your download.

Warning: Most websites that's created for Windows that uses Java or ActiveX won't be opened in Firefox. Most games sites created for Windows can't be opened using Firefox or Mozilla [another browser created by Mozilla, Inc.]
Adblock Plus:

Download Statusbar:


Forecastfox Enhanced:

Sage RSS Reader:

These are all excellent addons that won't eat away at the memory that much and will typically only have Firefox's memory usage rise up to 60 MB (very little for a browser).

And to spice up things a bit, here are some themes that I like and you'll probably enjoy:

Vista Firefox 2:

Yeah, I know, it doesn't have an official add-on page...

Noia 2.0 eXtreme:

I prefer Noia, though.

Anyways, these are my personal favorites, and they're a pretty good combination of addons since they don't use up much RAM, are simple but powerful, and simply because they're all little extra goodies you can use! By the way, AdBlock Plus is the best of them all. It blocks all ads!

Oh yeah, I'm not recommending IE View or IE Tab simply because it messes Firefox up and typically crashes the browser. Why not just open up IE when viewing an IE-only site?
Click TOOLS in Firefox and see the various options.

Minimum recommended:

1.To switch over to IE

2.To block advertisementts/ picture etc

3. To enable /disable javascript etc

There are hundreds of extensions, and according to your need you can down load them

Please visit home page and check the details.

Some of them do not work with latest versions of Firefox.
Mozilla F.F. add-ons / extensions;

%26gt; Launch firefox browser

%26gt; bookmarks ( on browser toolbar )

%26gt; mozilla firefox

%26gt; customize firefox

Adlock Plus


PDF Download

1-click Answers

Google Toolbar for firefox

Metal Lion-Vista

how to make firefox load web pages faster;

1%26gt; launch firefox browser

2%26gt; set " about:config " in the address receptor

3%26gt; Go ( button )

4%26gt; scroll to and highlight, " network.http.pipelining "

5%26gt; ( r-clik ) and set to " true "

6%26gt; scroll to and highlight, " network.http.pipelining. maxrequests "

7%26gt; set to the value of " 10 "

8%26gt; restart firefox

about:config ( only while in the forefox browser )

how to customize firefox web browser;

1%26gt; launch firefox browser

2%26gt; r-clik toolbar

3%26gt; customize

4%26gt; drag " new tab " feature form the pallet to the toolbar

%26gt; open new tabs and load a different web site under each tab

%26gt; tab browsing allows many sites to be loaded at the same time

%26gt; delete ICONs from the links bar that you dont use

%26gt; drag frequently used ICONs from the tab to the " links " bar

how to rename the links tabs in firefox;

1%26gt; r-clik links button

2%26gt; properties

3%26gt; edit ( remane )

4%26gt; OK

save / back-up firefox bookmarks;

1%26gt; organize bookmarks ( on browser )

2%26gt; file

3%26gt; export

Why do agencies and employers have such anal daft attiudes to mobile phone use it does not work?ie p

Whats with the stupid anal rules against phones and it being unprofessional ?ie no phone use at all

Lets see what would happen if people actually followed this rule and acted professional....

Firstly all would be evicted or reposessed as they would never get any work...

Why well how are agencies to call them during work hours to offer them work and how are they to ask for work if no mobiles.?

Wait for breaks?

Get real agencies dont wait if you dont call or text straight away they offer it to someone else. They aint gonner wait around 4 hours till your lunch break.

They need to find someone straight away possibly thousands to a deadline.

So how do you get food, rent, bills etc... let alone a life when you get virtually no work.

How are you to call in for times, for work details, especailly when all that often has to be done between 5 and 6?

How are team leaders to contact and locate workers on a location say leafletting a stadium say for lunch or other

Why do agencies and employers have such anal daft attiudes to mobile phone use it does not work?ie promo/extrawindows defender

What ARE you going on about?

Why do agencies and employers have such anal daft attiudes to mobile phone use it does not work?ie promo/extrawindows updates internet explorer


but those are the rules

If you don't like them, go somewhere else.

If you must take personal calls while at work get a hands free kit so that you can carry on working while answering.
If a phone is necessary for your work the company will provide it. Otherwise you'll be gabbing when you are supposed to work. Are these personal calls?

If you are supposed to make calls for work then the company will supply you with a phone. All those "examples" (?) you give sound kinda flakey. If you need to talk to these agencies for your job then you will do so, but if you are looking for another job (employment agency), yes it'll have to wait for break.

Whole question sounds "fishy" to me.
I think the questions you are being asked have less to do with reading and more to do with you explaining your occupation.

It seems that you are working on a temporary or other assignment in which you need to move from one workplace to another given the opportunities that arise at the end of the day.

If this is the case, I'd just ignore the rules of the place you're working at (since you won't be there the next day) and take the call to insure your income.

If the call interrupts your work, put a little extra time in at the end of the day.
Companies have rules about mobile phone use for two main reasons:

* Employee productivity: with a view that whilst being employeed by a particularly company, they are paying you to work for them and not to contact other people.

* Public image: it is widely viewed as unprofessional to be taking personal calls in the work place. This is particularly appropriate in customer facing environments.

Whilst these are the main reasons, aspects like security and proximity to sensative machinery (i.e. in hospitals) can form part of an employers policy.

Furthermore, regarding your reference to agencies, employment agencies from time to time make requirements like this for people they place in workplaces as they like to promise a standard level of professionalism from their workers. Not, quite importantly, people who will turn up and talk on their phone instead of working.

Finally! Not all employers have "anal" policies, in fact most don't! Indeed, the vast majority have enough trust in their employees to behave responsibly and respect them whilst on work time.

If they do have a policy like this in place it is probably born out of negative experiences rather than wanting to lower morale. Employers have absolutely no obligation to pay you whilst you are speaking to someone else about another job. If you think this is an important enough issue, then I suggest you enquire ahead of taking a job as to whether or not you can use your phone.

I doubt mobile phone usage policies are creating many starving homeless people.

Could any web designers tell me how to make my website look the same in both Firefox and IE?

I was curious if anyone knew the secret of making your website look exactly the same in both Firefox and Internet Explorer. In IE my website has additional spaces that aren't on Firefox.

Could any web designers tell me how to make my website look the same in both Firefox and IE?microsoft outlook

generally, if your website is w3c valid, it would be ok in most browsers, - but there is the odd occasion that its not true, to see your specific problem, i would need a link to your website

Could any web designers tell me how to make my website look the same in both Firefox and IE?windows messenger internet explorer

Internet Explorer %26amp; CSS issues
You need to study the html standards, IE does not comply very well with the official standards, but most listings show the differences. Also IE does not handle poorly code pages well, Firefox is a bit more intelligent.
The "secret" really is not a secret anymore. It's all in using separate stylesheets for Internet Explorer and their different versions. Then in your main template or you .html page, you stick in a conditional comment after the main stylesheet in your code like this:

%26lt;link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css" type="text/css" /%26gt;

%26lt;!--[if lt IE 6]%26gt;

%26lt;link rel="stylesheet" href="boxmodel.css" type="text/css" /%26gt;


That conditional comment tells the browser that if the browser is MSIE6, then use the "boxmodel.css" stylesheet to override the "styles.css" stylesheet.

MSIE6 will use the "styles.css" stylesheet, but anything you place in the "boxmodel.css" stylesheet will override the "styles.css" stylesheet.

Here's a great link to learn how this is done.

It takes a lot of time to get things "pixel perfect" across all the major browsers, but in time, you can do it 9 times out of 10 if not all the time.

Good Luck!
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What is the Isle of Wight like for the elderly ie walking etc?

Hello '

I am thinking about visiting the IOW, .I am now in my 70s quite fit but not all clever on my legs ,question is the island suitable for the elderly ie strolling about site seeing etc.I would be coming by car ,so getting from A to B would be no problem as long as the street are not to steep ,

Thank you Bob

What is the Isle of Wight like for the elderly ie walking etc?windows explorer

We went to the isle of Wight with my elderly parents a few years ago we loved it , There are some hills but if you stay in Shanklin there is a big lift by the side of the cliff to take you up the hill to where there are a lot of hotels, There is also a small train to take you about so its a ideal place for the elderly , There is also a firm which rents out Mobility scooters and wheelchairs for your holiday , We hired a wheelchair they delivered it to our hotel and picked it up , I think they were called Island Mobility but book if possible in advance, I hope you enjoy your holiday as much as we did

What is the Isle of Wight like for the elderly ie walking etc?microsoft zune internet explorer

Should be ideal - there are less cars to run you over!

I just downloaded Mozilla Firefox, and got all the necessary plug-ins. Is this a bad decision, rathe

IE aka. Internet Explorer 6 and 7.

And I mean, is Firefox faster or slower?

I just downloaded Mozilla Firefox, and got all the necessary plug-ins. Is this a bad decision, rather IE?

Way to go!

Firefox is safer, faster, and more secure than any internet browser in the world.

I just downloaded Mozilla Firefox, and got all the necessary plug-ins. Is this a bad decision, rather IE?internet browser internet explorerBut you can't see a lot of Layouts on myspace and such and may not be able to hear music. Report It

Firefox actually seems to load pages a little slower (not much, maybe a second slower). Firefox is generally considered to be a "safer" choice, since most malware is written to take advantage of IE6/7.

Personally, I use IE7. I prefer its interface, and the way it renders pages. It is all a matter of personal preference, choose whichever you prefer.
When i use IE i find myself to be stuck with alot of problems. My firefox is by far better than my IE, and yes its faster.
i think mozilla is a bit slower than IE.. and i personally like the look of IE better :)
Well, I have a friend who has Mozilla FireFox,and he thinks it's awesome and much better than Internet Explorer.If you have DSL it will be much faster.Trust me, I 've used it. If not,just find out yourself!

My desktop has several links to different web sites that I use frequently,now I can't open them

Originally I had the FireFox browser for beta testing,but the laptop B120 I own became slower and uninstalled that browser and reinstalled the IE 7.0 but now I can't open any of the links I have in my desktop to access some web sites but If I open the IE 7 and type directly the address of the website I want,it will open it,so what's wrong with my desktop that don't allow me to open any link?

My desktop has several links to different web sites that I use frequently,now I can't open them with IE 7?windows media player

What you are referring to are "Shortcuts" rather than "Links". The only way to solve the problem is to "Delete" the "Shortcuts", one at a time. As you delete a "Shortcut", go to web page it pointed to and select "File" followed by "Send" then "Desktop as Shortcut". Repeat this for every "Shortcut" you have. All your "Shortcuts" will work now.

My desktop has several links to different web sites that I use frequently,now I can't open them with IE 7?windows live messenger internet explorer

You need to give more info then that! WHat do the link looks like what is the file extension of the link stuff like that! If you need more help feel free to email me.
Probably corrupted the files when you switched

Downloaded newest ie and now when I close out a web site/page ie closes out completely.?

I use the red x in the top right and I have even tried the back arrow until I can't go back and then x out and it still does the same thing.

Downloaded newest ie and now when I close out a web site/page ie closes out completely.?windows movie maker

its Yahoo toolbar beta if you are using it. that's causing the problem. I had the same problem till I removed it then installed the older version. of course the new IE isn't the best browser to be using because it has a lot of loop holes in it still.

Downloaded newest ie and now when I close out a web site/page ie closes out completely.?microsoft project internet explorer

Look, you have tabs in the browser. Each tab is a different web site. So when you click the x in the top corner, you close all the tabs. Anyway, IE7 has a lot of malfunctions and bugs in it so it acts bad. I have told many people about this.
Wellll, we have IE7, also. If you only have one tab open and you click the redX (upper far right), then the browser closes because there is no longer a connection with any website. However, if you have 2 or more tabs open, then when you click the redX, you should get a message asking if you want to close out everything or if you want to be able to reopen everything right where you left off next time you open IE7. If you just want to close out one of the tabs, then click on the X on the tab.

We just played around with it, clicked on all the buttons and arrows until we got the hang of it. We also discovered you can change some of the tab settings (Tools, Internet Options, General tab, Settings for Tabs). You can even have multiple homepages open all at once! You can get your Main menu back by clicking on Tools, Menu Bar. Also, you'll find your favorites by clicking the yellow star to the far left of your screen.

My nephews msgr auto logs on when i sign in how do i make it stop? WinXp, IE Ver 6.0 msgr Ver 7.5.03

My computer now automatically opens messenger when i log into my desktop %26amp; signs in under my nephews' name. He has locked in his email address %26amp; password. How do I remove this? I am using WinXp with service pack 2, IE Ver 6.0, MSN Msgr Ver 7.5 build 7.5.0322.

My nephews msgr auto logs on when i sign in how do i make it stop? WinXp, IE Ver 6.0 msgr Ver 7.5.0322 tx?ireland

Right click on the lil green man down in the bottom right.

From here, select "sign out"

Right click again, and you will see "open messenger" - select that.

Here, you should see your nephews sign in details. You can, from here, click the "forget me" option, and hey presto, is details are now gone!

My nephews msgr auto logs on when i sign in how do i make it stop? WinXp, IE Ver 6.0 msgr Ver 7.5.0322 tx?microsoft outlook internet explorer

go to tools-%26gt;options-%26gt;general. untick Automatically run Messenger when i log on to windows
There should be a cancle button. Then the screen pops up with options unmark the box for automatic login
use msconfig in start%26gt;run%26gt;click on goto startup only and disable yahoo features click accept reboot.
With messenger open, follow these instructions to disable startup:

1. Click TOOLS then 'options' on the top messenger toolbar

2. Next click "General" on the left side menu

3. Uncheck the box that says "Automatically run messenger when I log onto windows"

4. Click "apply" at the bottom

Then exit out of messenger and restart your computer to see if the problem is solved.
Yes, I would try MSCONFIG first.

But you should also STOP letting your nephew from using your computer. He'll WRECK IT, and your computer will be DEAD. Will his parents PAY to fix your computer?

I can't get AutoComplete to work in IE 7. I have checked my AutoComplete options r set?

I have all the AutoComplete options checked and I have inline AutoComplete checked for forms and yet I do not get IE 7 to auto complete things nor save passwords.

I can't get AutoComplete to work in IE 7. I have checked my AutoComplete options r set?windows media center

Look here.

I can't get AutoComplete to work in IE 7. I have checked my AutoComplete options r set?nintendo ds browser internet explorer

use Mozilla Firefox 2

it just works better than Internet explorer

OK to change My Computer / Tools / Folder Options / File Types from IE to Firefox?

I recently cleaned up my PC with help of Ewido antispyware, and have switched from Internet Explorer to Mozilla Firefox as my default browser. I still have some minor popups coming up in IE. If I go to the above location, I see that several types of files are still set to open in IE. These are HTX, HTW, ITS, MFP, MHT, MHTML, SPOP, SVG, SVGZ, SPOP, and XSL files. Can I safely change these to open up in Firefox, or what might be the consequences if I do? I am running Windows 2000 SP4 on a small, older laptop with a dial-up connection. No firewall, but I run various scans all the time to keep my PC clean.

OK to change My Computer / Tools / Folder Options / File Types from IE to Firefox?ds browser

Yes, that that part of your question is perfectly safe.

One watchout: as you probably know, Firefox deliberately does not display/run ActiveX controls. There might be a few web pages who legitimately (albeit misguidedly) use ActiveX - I know by bank does it. For that simple reason, I would keep a copy of IE installed and updated.

Firefox offers an "Display this link in IE" plug-in, that makes this thing really convenient.

However: you should never run a computer without a firewall. Get ZoneAlarm, or get another freeware firewall that's good, and install and run it. You probably know that Windows 2000 is no longer supported (or updated) by Microsoft, so I also encourage you to make upgrade plans sometime soon.

OK to change My Computer / Tools / Folder Options / File Types from IE to Firefox?microsoft templates internet explorer

yes it would be safe but you can make a restore point and system restore to make extra sure.
Your computer was affect by spyware, you need to download a strong spyware remover. Such as Webroot Spysweeper.

HTML "Target=_blank" opens a page in a new window. How force to open in the current window

If the HTML for a web page link contains "Target=_blank" the page is opened in a new browser window. In Firefox it is possible to override this by right clicking on the link and choosing "open in new Tab". Is there any way in IE 6 to prevent opening the link in a new window so that the page is displayed in the current IE window?

HTML "Target=_blank" opens a page in a new window. How force to open in the current window when using IE 6?microsoft word

I only know of do this by changing a setting in your registry. Try this website for instructions on changing the setting:

or this one:

Good luck.

HTML "Target=_blank" opens a page in a new window. How force to open in the current window when using IE 6?windows movie maker internet explorer

Umm, just don't use target=_blank! It's that easy. Just write the A tag without a target.
Without the target tag works, but target=_parent opens in same window / frame.

No answer to that one mate... unless, you save the page 'as', then change the code, re-load %26amp; go within the page.

My nephews msgr auto logs on when i sign in how do i make it stop? WinXp, IE Ver 6.0 msgr Ver 7.5.03

My computer now automatically opens messenger when i log into my desktop %26amp; signs in under my nephews' name. He has locked in his email address %26amp; password. How do I remove this? I am using WinXp with service pack 2, IE Ver 6.0, MSN Msgr Ver 7.5 build 7.5.0322.

My nephews msgr auto logs on when i sign in how do i make it stop? WinXp, IE Ver 6.0 msgr Ver 7.5.0322 tx?ireland

Right click on the lil green man down in the bottom right.

From here, select "sign out"

Right click again, and you will see "open messenger" - select that.

Here, you should see your nephews sign in details. You can, from here, click the "forget me" option, and hey presto, is details are now gone!

My nephews msgr auto logs on when i sign in how do i make it stop? WinXp, IE Ver 6.0 msgr Ver 7.5.0322 tx?microsoft outlook internet explorer

go to tools-%26gt;options-%26gt;general. untick Automatically run Messenger when i log on to windows
There should be a cancle button. Then the screen pops up with options unmark the box for automatic login
use msconfig in start%26gt;run%26gt;click on goto startup only and disable yahoo features click accept reboot.
With messenger open, follow these instructions to disable startup:

1. Click TOOLS then 'options' on the top messenger toolbar

2. Next click "General" on the left side menu

3. Uncheck the box that says "Automatically run messenger when I log onto windows"

4. Click "apply" at the bottom

Then exit out of messenger and restart your computer to see if the problem is solved.
Yes, I would try MSCONFIG first.

But you should also STOP letting your nephew from using your computer. He'll WRECK IT, and your computer will be DEAD. Will his parents PAY to fix your computer?

'value.length' is null or not an object error in IE browser?

Here is the code:

1) HTML code:

%26lt;body onload="updateAll(); initPreview()"%26gt;



%26lt;em class="field-count"%26gt;%26lt;span id="titleCounter"%26gt;75%26lt;/span%26gt; ".SUBMIT_VIEW_LEFT."%26lt;/em%26gt;

%26lt;label for="title" accesskey="2"%26gt;%26lt;/label%26gt;

%26lt;input type="text" id="title" name="title" value="" maxlength="75" class="form-text-variable" /%26gt;


2) js code:

function initPreview() {



function updateAll()





function charCounter(field,maxLength,countTarget) {

==%26gt; var inputLength=field.value.length;

if (inputLength%26gt;=maxLength) {




Somehow, the above code works in FF, but not in IE I always have an error: 'value.length' is null or not an object. at line ==%26gt; in function charCounter()

please help, it is very urgent.



'value.length' is null or not an object error in IE browser?windows update

Well, your code was truncated so I cant debug it myself. But try this:

var inputLength = (field %26amp;%26amp; field.value %26amp;%26amp; field.value.length ? field.value.length : 0);

Though it looks like your field is not being set/passed correctly. Be sure you are using the right ways to find it (document.all, getElementById, etc) according to browser versions, etc.

'value.length' is null or not an object error in IE browser?microsoft excel internet explorer

try using a validator

I'm trying to make operable an older pc for donation. When I try downloading/upgrading from IE

This pc I'm tryin fix is HP Pavilion 7370V w/original OEM Win/95 that has a install program of W/ME that was on it when I was given it, but no CDs or other install info. I re-installed ME because of missing files, and it has IE 5.5 but it has probs. I dowlnloaded IE6 setup nad was planning on installing SP1 Serv Pck, but it stops at 85%, or on ocassion says previous attempt incomplete restart to finish, but then goes to 85%. ANY CLUES as to why?

Secondly, If I purchase Windows Student/Teacher Edition as an instructor (discount) and install it, will it install if I remove current OS and does it have complete Windows OS pkg or just office products. Can I install it and be able to access web, email, etc.?

(I tried Firefox didn't like and had probs, so not an option, thx.)

I'm trying to make operable an older pc for donation. When I try downloading/upgrading from IE 5.5 to 6.0, itwindows vista

You need to make sure that the IE 6.0 youre trying to install is the upgrade version. You might want to just go to control panel and then add/remove programs and uninstall IE 5.5 then install 6.0 from scratch. If it stalls again, then try installing the 7.0 version instead. Make sure you get the download from Once you install 6.0, you should be able to go to microsoft again and do an update and it should install SP1 for you.

If you have the Teachers Edition, you will be able to install it to a limited number of computers. It will have the entire Windows reinstalled into your computer. You will be able to access web since all Microsoft Windows products come standard with IE.

I'm trying to make operable an older pc for donation. When I try downloading/upgrading from IE 5.5 to 6.0, itwindows defender internet explorer

Part1 - The computer ur working with must meet minimum reqs. by MS as to being able to run IE 6.0. Memory, storage, and CPU speed are all critical. Check the MS web site for IE 6.0 and note the min reqs. Check with Netscape, Opera, Mozillia for older releases.

Part 2 - Carefull as to packaging. Window Student/Teacher edition currently in most stores is the Windows Office and not an operating system! You need both an OS and Office.

If you owned a jewellery store, what events would you do to bring customers to your store? Ie, promo

Ie, Promotions, events, etc. I am not talking about advertisting..

If you owned a jewellery store, what events would you do to bring customers to your store? Ie, promotions, ..?internet explorer update

Have an open house. Serve refreshments.

If you owned a jewellery store, what events would you do to bring customers to your store? Ie, promotions, ..?web browser internet explorer

SALES half off
I'd hold events like fashion designers do for their consumers. I'd do a showcase gala where yuo have a flat cover for perspective people to come and see what you have. Get live TV coverage too if you can. Thats free advertising. if they wont cover your story...have them bring you in and talk on air about the event. Get some trust worthy volunteers to model the jewlery for you. Then at the end of the gala, have it set up where it can be purchased! Also serve some fingerfoods or something nice. Make sure everything is colorful even the foods you serve!

Have a raffle for a piece of jewlery too! Good Luck!
Hmm, without advertising, it doesn't matter what you do, because people won't know about it.

a local place promised that if it snowed more than 6 inches on christmas eve, that everyone's December purchases were free. The odds were heavily in the jewlery store's favor, but it was a very popular promotion. I imagine they purchased some sort of insurance to back the event also....
perhaps bring local artist in to teach a lesson in jewelery making. I would love to see local stores support their local artist, not have so much overseas merchandise on the shelves. I would start promotions for Valentines day, being that it is the next big jewelry gift giving day coming up, perhaps a lesson with this theme in mind.

Hope my suggestions were helpful.

Blessings in your jewelery store adventures.
a great promotion would be glamour pics. Have customers come in pick jewelery to wear and get pic with them. Every woman loves jewelry and once she tries it on and has a reminder of it shell have to buy it.
How about a free cleaning promotion? Get foot traffic with simple, labor-only cleaning. While people wait, they can 'peruse'.

An ad comparing the fire of a clean diamond to the dullness of a dirty diamond would garner attention as would the word FREE which you probably don't get to use often in this business.

You may even consider running a complimentary in-store only promotion (10% off, etc) to cater to your impulse buyers and sweeten the deal.

The cleaning service would likely reveal some candidates that need repair/maintenance to prongs that would boost your service revenue and help people who are unaware of proper maintenance and about to lose their diamond/jewels(s).

Best wishes!
Check in your local city website and look for events.

Usually every year there are some crafts exhibits or events.

Rent a booth in that event and you can promote your store there, give visitors some cards or coupons or discounts when they buy in your store (because exhibit usually only for few days)

Is there a way to vary an inline frame according to the chid page height? Works in IE, not Firefox..

This works in IE but not Firefox...

Is there a way to vary an inline frame according to the chid page height? Works in IE, not Firefox...?microsoft

Rich, she's talking about an iframe, not frames used for an entire layout.

I know widths declared in percentages works, but have you tried the height declared that way too? Worth a try I guess.

Adding this - looks like height="80%" or whatever should work. Iframe options listed below:


align="bottom | left | middle | right | top"**

class="class name(s)"**

frameborder="0 | 1"**

height="% | pixels"**

id="unique identifier"**





scrolling="auto | no | yes"**


style="style information"**


width="% | pixels"**



Is there a way to vary an inline frame according to the chid page height? Works in IE, not Firefox...?microsoft access internet explorer

Don't use frames is my best answer. Use CSS and you will have cross browser control over all elements!

Take a look at to download some free css templates to play with.

CSS is what the W3C recommend for future compliance, frames are....well....dead....

How 2 get a "countdown ticker" in an Iframe to refresh repeatedly w/o making the Back butt

I have a countdown ticker at the bottom of the screen in an Iframe that I want to refresh every 5 seconds or so to keep it up-to-date. However the problem is that by using an html auto refresh script it makes the Back button of IE useless because upon hitting the back button the main page stays as it is and only the Iframe refreshes. you have to hit the back button the same number of times that the Iframe had autorefreshed to cause the main page to go back to the previous page.

Can anybody help me with this? This is the only irritant preventing me from being able to publish my website. (I use Microsoft Frontpage)

How 2 get a "countdown ticker" in an Iframe to refresh repeatedly w/o making the Back button in IE useless?microsoft powerpoint

I think you might want Javascript for this. It will be continuous with no refreshing.

If you do use javascript this page may help:


Maybe refreshing by javascript instead might be your answer.


Some javascript windows won't pop up for me when asked to -- w/MS IE?

MS IE v6.0.2900etc.

Allowing pop-ups temporarily doesn't help.

Any idea?

Some javascript windows won't pop up for me when asked to -- w/MS IE?microsoft word 2003

Some java is just completely blocked, as the script could be a variation, or similar to a malicious, or annoyance script.

Revise your post with a URL of an example for better, more specific help.

I have a wireless internet connection. I can't connect with either Firefox or IE without being

This is a problem that, literally, happened overnight. Yesterday we were able to access the internet through Firefox or IE but today neither will see the connection without being signed into AOL first. Yahoo Messenger and AIM can see the connection just fine. Does anyone out there know what happened and how I can fix it. We are running a Dell Latitute C610 with Windows XP Service Pack 2.

I have a wireless internet connection. I can't connect with either Firefox or IE without being on AOL.?windows themes

How do you connect to the internet? Thru AOL, then start AOL and then after it is up and running start IE or Firefox. If thru a different provider, change the settings in IE and Firefox.

I have a wireless internet connection. I can't connect with either Firefox or IE without being on AOL.?internet explorer 7 internet explorer

IE and Firefox are browsers, so you need the ISP connection.

It sounds like you need to check the

Start%26gt;Connect To%26gt;

settings on your pc. the wireless needs to be on automatic. If you connect up and then go to the AOL (I assume is your service provider) page and have a live chat with tech support, they will help sort it out for you. My ISP starts in the background and I use FF for everything.

Alternatively, try a restore to yesterday's settings, see if that clears it up.

Most of the times I go onto the net I get a popup that IE saying ' - HTTP404 Not

most of the times I go onto the net I get a popup IE saying ' - HTTP404 Not Foun

Most of the times I go onto the net I get a popup that IE saying ' - HTTP404 Not Found?windows 2000

A 404 error means that that page has either been deleted or that your AV software has blocked it. Don't worry about it.

Most of the times I go onto the net I get a popup that IE saying ' - HTTP404 Not Found?internet explorer internet explorer

Your Web server thinks that the HTTP data stream sent by the client (e.g. your Web browser or our CheckUpDown robot) was correct, but simply can not provide the access to the resource specified by your URL. This is equivalent to the 'return to sender - address unknown' response for conventional postal mail services.
What it means by HTTP 404.

The first 4 indicates a client error. The server is saying that you've done something wrong, such as misspell the URL or request a page which is no longer there. Conversely, a 5xx error indicates a server-side problem. It also indicates an error which may be transient; if you try it again, it may work.

The middle 0 refers to a general syntax error. This could indicate a spelling mistake.

The last 4 just indicates the specific error in the group of 40x, which also includes 400: Bad Request, 401: Unauthorized, etc.

Room 404 asserts that 404 was named after a room at CERN where the original web servers were located.

"Having visited CERN myself, I can tell you that Room 404 is not on the fourth floor - the CERN office numbering system doesn't work like that - the first digit usually refers to the *building* number (ie. building 4), and the second two to the office number. But, strangely, there is no room "04" in building "4", the offices start at "410" and work upwards - don't ask me why. Sorry to disappoint you all, but there is no Room 404 in CERN - it simply doesn't exist, and certainly hasn't been preserved as "the place where the web began". In fact, there *is* a display about this, including a model of the first NeXT server, but the whole "Room 404" thing is just a myth."

According to the W3C, 404 Not Found is only supposed to be used in cases where the server cannot find the requested location and is unsure of its status. If a page has permanently been deleted, it is supposed to use 410: Gone to indicate a permanent change. But has anyone ever seen 410? It must be 404...

Is there a stock price program that will alert me when any stock exceed a certain price ie 40 week f

just read a book for novices that explains the concept of floating averages and how investing when current prices are above the floating average then a stragy of investing in profitability is maintainted. I am therefore looking for a software application that might calculate the average for a specific period and alert me when any stocks exceed their average, ie a rising trend. Any

Is there a stock price program that will alert me when any stock exceed a certain price ie 40 week floating avmicrosoft word 2003

I am not familiar with the term floating average. Could that possibly be "moving average"? Better known as the 200 day moving average. One of the concepts of technical analysis is indeed that when a stock price crossed the 200 day moving average, that is a potential buy signal. TD Ameritrade has software called "StrategyDesk" where you can set up an alert when the stock price crosses a particular moving average. You can even have the software automatically buy the stock for you if you like. Not something I would recommend however. The software is meant really for short term traders and not long term term traders, so the 200 day moving average is not in the predefined library, rather the 10 day. But you can define your own strategy and you can back test it to see how it works.

There are stock screening tools available that you can use to give you this information. My favorite is the one provided by Fidelity. It shows 126 stocks just crossing the 200 sma.

You have to be very careful using such tools. Stocks will whip saw you. That term means they will cross the moving average and then they will drop back below it. RATE has crossed the 200 day average 7 times since Aug 1. A strategy to mitigate this possibility is to set a criteria that it must have crossed by a least a certain % or $ amount before you jump in.

How do I fix the problem with the div tags and get my website to work in IE 7 downwards?

The first problem I have is positioning a div tag so it lies under everything else. The problem is that it is relative to the last div tag in which can be smaller than everything else. A screenshot to show what I mean - . You should look at the 11th div tag. The problem is existent here -

My second problem is that my website don't work in IE. It doesn't seem to like negative values. I can shift my content up or to the left. Screenshot -

Any help would be much appreciated.

How do I fix the problem with the div tags and get my website to work in IE 7 downwards?internet explorer 6

A clear both CSS statement will move a div underneath everything that proceeds it.

When im clicking on links on websites, sometimes i get a small box with a red x in it and ie closes?

this usually hapens whe your on a site and click on another link within that site. also when you try to reply to an e-mail you get the same small box with a red x in it and ie closes. you have to re open ie completely when this happens

When im clicking on links on websites, sometimes i get a small box with a red x in it and ie closes?internet explorer 7

there may be a problem with the ie try for an updated version 7.0 is available in beta2

Lost IE when I tried to Unstall IE 7?

Had problems with IE7 with tools, was advised to uninstll IE7 to get back to IE6. When I did this system was looking for a file called Browseui.dll.000. canceled the uninstall. Now all I have is a icon that will do nothing, no internet browser, no properties. can anyone Help.


Lost IE when I tried to Unstall IE 7?windows xp

Do you have the windows CD?.

You can pop that in and that will fix it

Lost IE when I tried to Unstall IE 7?microsoft office 2007 internet explorer

First update and scan your computer with your security products such as antivirus and antispyware applications. If you computer comes up clean after running your resident security products, you may want to consider running a System File Checker (SFC). This can be run in Safe Mode should you prefer. To get into Safe Mode either hold down or tap the F8 key repeatedly while the computer is starting up. To run SFC, close all applications such as Office, Messenger, Email, etc, and go to:

- Start

- Run

- Type in sfc /scannow (include the space before the " / ")

What SFC does is that it attempts to fix or replace critical operating system files. Sometimes this can be done without the installation disk, however it may prompt you for the appropriate operating system installation disk. If that is the case, then you know that you definitely have file corruption or something missing. Insert the disk if prompted. Also you should run SFC using the Administrator account.

If you have the Vista operating system, the steps are a bit different due to the UAC. See the link below.

Don't surf, play games or do anything while SFC runs. After it is completed, reboot your computer.

One of the major culprits in missing or corrupt operating system files is running a registry cleaner or optimizer. They can flag important shared files for deletion or cleanup. Another cause is malware.

NOTE: Before running any registry cleaner or editing the registry, always ensure you back it up first. If the registry cleaner you are using doesn't have that function, you can do it manually.
do a system restore back 2 a time when everything worked. then do what i did. ignore ie7 altogether. use mozilla firefox instead. can be found at free dl free updates free plugins. better security
look in

start--my computer--local disk drive [ c ]--windows--programs

see if you REALLY removed it,if not,it's still there

I have a flash media file for a website that works with Firefox and Netscape but not IE. Can someone

My media file doesnt work for IE... You can check it out on

What can I do to make it work? I have tried everything I can think of. You can IM me on yahoo under lana254

I have a flash media file for a website that works with Firefox and Netscape but not IE. Can someone help?download ie

hi lana,

IE takes the path from the object tag where you have specified a wrong path:

%26lt;param name="movie" value="playerMultipleMenuPackage/ playerMultipleMenuPackage/ playerMultipleList.swf"%26gt;

i think it should be:

%26lt;param name="movie" value="playerMultipleMenuPackage/ playerMultipleList.swf"%26gt;

keep smiling!!!

I have a flash media file for a website that works with Firefox and Netscape but not IE. Can someone help?windows media player internet explorer

Hi Lana

IE Browser works with "embed" tag. Looking at your site source tells us:

%26lt;embed src="playerMultipleMenuPackage/playerMul...

However, this is a different source as in your "object" tag, which works well in Firefox.


Just update your "embed" tag with the correct src (source) value and everything should work, last but not least, even in IE.

What is the sollution for multi currency in tally?i am in yemen there is two currencies ie riyal and

Dear sirs We are thinking to install a Tally software.The problem is only the multi currency.I think there is an option in Tally for multi currency but i dont how to do it..plz help me.Here we are using 2 types of currencies that is Dollar and Riyal.Some amounts are receive in dollar and some are in Riyals..Then what shall i do?If we adopt excel also the problem will be the multi currency.

What is the sollution for multi currency in tally?i am in yemen there is two currencies ie riyal and dollar.?windows vista home premium

'TALLY' has multi-currency potions. But I am not sure about RIYAL. YOU CAN ADD TALLYCURRENCY SOFTWARE ALSO. GO TO THEIR SITE:

What is the sollution for multi currency in tally?i am in yemen there is two currencies ie riyal and dollar.?ie tab internet exploreri like the answer thank you mail me at Report It

Why do I get a stack overflow at line 33 error only when I'm using the IE browser? How do I fix

It only happens when I try to sign into my MSN Space..and only when I'm using IE. I have no problems on any other sites, or when I use Netscape and Mozilla.

Why do I get a stack overflow at line 33 error only when I'm using the IE browser? How do I fix it?ie 7

A stack overflow is typical of a programming problem -- most likely in one of the Add-Ons to Internet Explorer.

Start by going to the Control Panel, and then Add or Remove Programs. Remove any and all toolbars you have installed -- they are more often than not the culprits.

Next, get rid of any Ad-ware on your computer. I heartily recommand Ad-Aware SE Personal Edition 1.06, which you can download from here:;mer...

Start by closing all open programs, then install Ad-Aware, and let it update itself and scan your computer. When it has finished the scan, click Next, then check off all the boxes in the list, and click Next, and then OK. Let it restart your computer if it prompts you to do so.

Now try signing into your MSN Space again.

If you still have a problem, run a full antivirus scan on your computer, and try again.

If you continue to have problems, visit to get the latest updates for your computer. At this point you should be able to sign in.

Why do I get a stack overflow at line 33 error only when I'm using the IE browser? How do I fix it?ireland internet explorer

Try using a good browser. I'm not sure why IE has that error though, sorry.
Scan ur machine can be infected, IE can be the worst browser use firefox also try upgrading IE

Is there an program that would allow me to record phone calls I make from the internet (ie from Skyp

Is there an program that would allow me to record phone calls I make from the internet (ie from Skyppe,etc)?

Is there an program that would allow me to record phone calls I make from the internet (ie from Skyppe,etc)?ie

Is there an program that would allow me to record phone calls I make from the internet (ie from Skyppe,etc)?microsoft internet explorer

Yes, it's called Patricia and the link is in Skype %26gt; Tools %26gt; Do More%26gt;.

Hello i need help my ad-aware se personal deleted the icon for yahoo messenger in my IE?

hello the icon im speaking of is the lil icon it puts in IE on the right hand side. ad-aware se personal deleted it saying it was spyware. it dosent seam to have afected my messenger was just wondering as to why it said it was spyware.

Hello i need help my ad-aware se personal deleted the icon for yahoo messenger in my IE?

Most of the spy ware deduct files which are related to windows or other software therefore, when spy ware shows file better to see one by one instead click delete or OK button.

If you have a good spy ware then it could have back up files I think.

I suggest you should re-install yahoo messenger and learn a lesson from this Spy ware soft.

Still need help send mail

Hello i need help my ad-aware se personal deleted the icon for yahoo messenger in my IE?uninstall internet explorer internet explorer


on the short cut toolbars of the IE, right click and check "Yahoo! Toolbar "

This will solve your porb.


Click start on your cpu. Go to the control panel. Go to the add and delete programs. Look for your no adware. Click the remove on it and that should remove the noadware program. You might have to restart your cpu after it but its worth it if you want it off.