Sunday, November 29, 2009

How do developed world leaders sit next to African dictators ie mugabe in summit , read about povert

still aford to keep quiet diplomacy, If u were a world leader what would you do about it,

Profile of Zimbabwe and believe it, this is real

No electricity for 20 hours of the day

Constant water cuts

No fuel for cars

No food in shops, literally no food at all imagine an empty Tesco that is Zimbabwe

Education system has totally collapsed, o level students have to wait 3 to 5 yrs for a certificate from Zimsec

Unemployment 80 percent

No medical care standards at all

No freedom of speech

I have to go back to No food, walk into a bakery there is no bread being sold to the common man it is reserved for the rich people of whom only get bread after two week periods

No milk because there are no white farmers, believe me that is the reason

Farms that once belonged to whites have reverted back to nature, ie nothing grows on the soil but grass

Still after all an 83 old dictator is respected by all SADC leaders especially Mbeki might i add,


How do developed world leaders sit next to African dictators ie mugabe in summit , read about poverty and stilmicrosoft templates

'Cos they can.

How do developed world leaders sit next to African dictators ie mugabe in summit , read about poverty and stilwindows firewall internet explorer

I wouldn't do a damn thing because it does not serve my nation's interests.
For the same reason that the Super Rich STars, play on people emotions claiming to donate a couple of million, it appeases their concience, knowing they all have anough money between them to eradicate poverty for good ..
contrary to popular opinion, the US cannot solve everybodys problems. This country isn't God. The problems are too complex for us to show up withe 'the magic bullet'. Iraq has taught us that.
Its all about money. I have a better question...Why do movie stars and athletes get paid $5 million dollars a second when this type of stuff is going on??? Wheres god at?
I wouldn't do squat, pull your own horrible country out of the toilet yourself, stop lookin' for handouts.
A dictatorship, or any form of centralized power, will have a negative effect on productivity.

On the concentrated power end, a dictatorship, people have no incentive to produce, as the folks in power will likely claim the products of their labor.

In a more collectivist society, especially where the old "from each... to each" framework is used, folks tend to downplay their ability and do everything they can to increase their perceived need.

In a free market society, which doesn't really exist anywhere, people are free to keep the product of their labor, and to trade however they like. The folks at Plymouth Colony learned this, though they only carried it out to the extent that they wouldn't starve, and kept many of the tyrannical policies in place for quite some time.

There won't be much progress in 3rd world nations until people are free to keep the product of their labor, with no fear of a petty tyrant sweeping through town to claim it all.

Naturally, these tyrants are well represented at the UN, while the people are occasionally paraded around on TV in order to keep Sally Struthers in Snacky Smores.
Because they have to try and use diplomatic methods first to try and get a change.

But I totally agree with you. Do you think it has anything to do with the fact that it is an African country and so no-one cares as much as if it was a European country? Look at all the time-wasting over Darfur.

I think it will have to get much worse before the international community does anything and people take notice.
Because world leaders have no heart, no passion and no sense. BUT they do keep the dogs of war at bay, and do the job better than the general public could. If that was me in the same situation, I'd get hold of them and shake the b**tards into action, but that's not what they want from civilised world leaders, do they? Even if it woud get more done!

Oh, and that person that said the US can't solve everything, who said we were talking about just the US? Next you'll say you won the 2nd World War singlehandedly, when your men came over here and stole our soldier's wives and then breezed in when England had already cleaned up.
It is sad about Zimbabwe. But so what. We need to take care of our own Country. The USA. I get tired of bleeding hearts that want to help the world. We do enough for other Countries. it is about time we take care of ours. If you are so concerned about it. Join the Peace Corps. Go over there and help them. As for no white farmers, they would be in danger. That is why they fled the Country.
Easy, when you consider that the EU is also a dictatorship. Have we been asked whether we want to stay in? Have we been asked about the constitution? are we asked if we want to be over run bu European immigrants? No and we never will be while our country provides most of the money to keep the criminals in Brussels in jobs. So none to the EU leaders have any qualms about meeting Mugabe, in fact I would think that they are there to ask him how to form a one party dictatorship for Europe.

By the way the summit is only of European leaders and nothing to do with the Yanks.

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