Friday, November 27, 2009

Why does my website appear mis-aligned and formatted wrong in IE?

I know that the answer is that IE is never very up-to-par with the latest code, but I'm using CSS and all, with %26lt;div%26gt;'s but it just doesn't come out right in IE5, IE6, or IE7. Works PERFECT in Firefox (Win+Mac) and Opera.

The sidebar that should be on the right in the blank-white space seems to be at the bottom, below the left sidebar, on the page. Not only that but the entire page is left-aligned when it was built for center-alignment. Based on source code, and comparison between IE and Firefox, can anyone tell me why this doesn't work??

Would appreciate it very much!

Thank you!

Why does my website appear mis-aligned and formatted wrong in IE?microsoft powerpoint

Part of the problem is that your DOCTYPE declaration is XHTML 1.0 Transitional, and then you immediately use a %26lt;CENTER%26gt; tag, which has two things wrong with it: 1) XHTML doesn't allow capitalized tags; all markup must be lowercase. 2) The center tag is deprecated in XHTML. Using deprecated tags sends your browser into "quirks mode", which makes its rendering sort of unpredictable. Try changing your DOCTYPE declaration to HTML 4.01 Transitional, or, if you want to use XHTML, revise your markup and use CSS to center elements. That would be the best way to have cross-browser compatibility.

Why does my website appear mis-aligned and formatted wrong in IE?windows xp sp2 internet explorer

its because ie is made by microsoft and and microsoft makes horribly buggy software
IE is in use by about 45% of the population all over the world, no.1 is firefox. There is always a problem when programming in CSS or Javascript. U'll need to check to find out which properties work for which browser.

You cannot ignore any of these two browsers so u'll need to be able to write cross browser scripts or CSSs.
Remember that, if you're using "width" measurements in your css, IE handles the width as if it were the stuff *inside* the margin and the others handle it as if it were the stuff *including* the margin! Also, IE handles margins for floated items differently, diddling the "gutter". Sometimes your side-by-side divs will "slide down" underneath each other even though you think you've measured them appropriately for the available space! It's a real groaner!

As stated above, you have to remember that (1) you'll have to write for MOST users, who are IE users, then adjust for the lucky few rest of us who are Firefox/Opera/other users...and (2) use various "hacks" and other methods to make the adjustments.

There are lots of METHODS that DO NOT require "hacking" - they are just plain ol' good straight standards-careful coding ( has classic examples). If you ABSOLUTELY NEED "hacks" see the book cited.

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