Friday, November 27, 2009

Why am I unable to go back to previous pages on some secure sights ie brokerage, banks ...?

Are there some settings in Mozilla firefox or IE that would permit me to go back one page?

Why am I unable to go back to previous pages on some secure sights ie brokerage, banks ...?ies

They do this as a security feature for you. Lets say you walk away from your web browser, while on a banking website or maybe you hit the log out button, but leave the page still sitting there. Anyone can come along and hit the back button and see sensitive info.

The way they make the page not available is they add a tag to the html code, that prevents the page to be cached. All webpages are cached in your Temporary Internet Folders, but if one adds the correct tag to the page, then it forces it to not cache. That is why it does not appear when you hit the back arrow.

This is the html code that stops that:

%26lt;META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache"%26gt;

and it goes between the %26lt;head and %26lt;/head%26gt; tags like this:

%26lt;html%26gt;%26lt;head%26gt;%26lt;title%26gt;Welcome to my Non-Cached Page%26lt;/title%26gt;

%26lt;META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache"%26gt;



Hi there



If you're writing .jsp or .asp pages, then you can add this to the top of the page to accomplish the same thing:

%26lt;%response.cachecontrol = "no-cache"

response.addheader "pragma", "no-cache"

response.expires = -1


Why am I unable to go back to previous pages on some secure sights ie brokerage, banks ...?windows update internet explorer

This is not a setting in the browser. The sites that you are referring to are highly secure sites. Therefore, they normally set their sites up to where you can't use your back or forward buttons as an added security measure.
Most of those blocks are security procedures set in place by the sites. I don't have anyway of breaking through their blocks and that's a good thing.
Nothing to do with browser.U need to click back and click refresh
My bank doesn't allow using the back button in your browser. Also, if I double click on anything it will make me start over at log in. If I accidentally type in the wrong password, I get a letter in the mail telling me someone tried to access my account and I have to call the bank to verify it was me. SECURITY.

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